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Temperature-converter app

mandliyarajendra11's github profile

temperature converter is used to convert temperature kelvin , Fahrenheit,Celsius


T-Regx's github profile

Lightweight, high-level library for regular expressions in php


karthiknadar1204's github profile

CryptoWatchr is an innovative crypto project that provides users with a comprehensive platform to access and explore various cryptocurrency exchanges from around the world. Leveraging the power of the CoinGecko API users can seamlessly connect to different exchanges access real-time data and make informed decisions about their crypto investments.

Cafe Website

iriteshmishra's github profile

Cafe Website was created so that the users can order cakes or other cafe foods from their own respective place


tedante's github profile

Google Spreadsheet API Helper is a Node.js package that provides a helper for simplifies the process of accessing, retrieving and updating data from Gsheet using the Gsheet API.

Advice Generator

swarajzz's github profile

The goal of the application is to provide users with random pieces of advice to help them make better decisions in their personal and professional lives


AgamK18's github profile

User can search for any cryptocurrency and see details about the same. The user can also follow latest news about the domain.


Hemant2335's github profile

This is a replica pf other movies platform where you can get details and related details of the Movies and Tv shows


Sahilll15's github profile

Coupon_code is a sophisticated coupon code management system built with ReactJS, Django, Django Rest Framework, and SQLite. Users can add, update, and delete their coupons effortlessly using this efficient platform.

Book Your Place

AbhishekCS3459's github profile

This is a full-stack application built using React.js as the frontend, Node.js and Express as the backend, and MongoDB as the database. The application allows users to explore, book, and share their favorite places.